HJC Catalyst Retreats
Welcome to the Housing Justice Collective. Here we are- a team of five humans who want to use our skills, talents, love and time to fight in our collective struggle for housing justice, and liberation from systemic oppression.

Highlights from the Housing Justice Team
Introducing the Housing Justice Team featuring Tiffany Haynes!

Highlights from the Housing Justice Team
Introducing the Housing Justice Team featuring LaQuita Love-Limo!

Highlights from the Housing Justice Team
Introducing the Housing Justice Team featuring Alexander Perez!

Highlights from the Housing Justice Team
Introducing the Housing Justice Team featuring Wendell Williams!

Highlights from the Housing Justice Team
Introducing the Housing Justice Team featuring Julisa Abad!

Building a Better Future for Unaccompanied Minors at Risk of or Homelessness in WA state
Building a better future for unaccompanied minors experiencing or at risk of homelessness in WA state

Welcome to the Housing Justice Collective
Welcome to the Housing Justice Collective. Here we are- a team of five humans who want to use our skills, talents, love and time to fight in our collective struggle for housing justice, and liberation from systemic oppression.